A uniform string resonates with a tuning fork, at a maximum tension of $32 \,N$. If it is divided into two segments by placing a wedge at a distance one-fourth of length from one end, then to resonance with same frequency the maximum value of tension for string will be ........... $N$
To increase the frequency from $100 Hz$ to $400 Hz$ the tension in the string has to be changed by ..... $times$
Two open organ pipes of fundamental frequencies $n_{1}$ and $n_{2}$ are joined in series. The fundamental frequecny of the new pipe so obtained will be
If you set up the seventh harmonic on a string fixed at both ends, how many nodes and antinodes are set up in it
Show that when a string fixed at its two ends vibrates in $1$ loop, $2$ loops, $3$ loops and $4$ loops, the frequencies are in the ratio $1 : 2 : 3 : 4$.
Two wires are fixed in a sonometer. Their tensions are in the ratio $8 : 1$. The lengths are in the ratio $36:35.$ The diameters are in the ratio $4 : 1$. Densities of the materials are in the ratio $1 : 2$. If the lower frequency in the setting is $360 Hz.$ the beat frequency when the two wires are sounded together is