A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of $200\ N$ to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by $1\ mm$. Then the elastic energy stored in the wire ......... $J$
Work done by restoring force in a string within elastic limit is $-10 \,J$. Maximum amount of heat produced in the string is .......... $J$
Weight is suspended to the end of elastic spring its increased length depends upon what ?
If $x$ longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of Young's modulus $y,$ then energy stored in the material of the wire per unit volume is
When a $4\, kg$ mass is hung vertically on a light spring that obeys Hooke's law, the spring stretches by $2\, cms$. The work required to be done by an external agent in stretching this spring by $5\, cms$ will be ......... $joule$ $(g = 9.8\,metres/se{c^2})$
If one end of a wire is fixed with a rigid support and the other end is stretched by a force of $10 \,N,$ then the increase in length is $0.5\, mm$. The ratio of the energy of the wire and the work done in displacing it through $1.5\, mm$ by the weight is