A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of $200\, N$ to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by $1\, mm$ Then the elastic energy stored in the wire is ........ $J$
Why do spring balances show wrong readings of weight after they have been used for a long time ?
A $2 \,m$ long rod of radius $1 \,cm$ which is fixed from one end is given a twist of $0.8$ radians. The shear strain developed will be
The work done in increasing the length of a metre long wire of cross-sectional area ........ $J.$ $1\,mm^2$ through $1\,mm$ will be $(Y = 2 \times 10^{11}\,Nm^{-2})$
A wire is suspended by one end. At the other end a weight equivalent to $20\, N$ force is applied. If the increase in length is $1.0\, mm$, the increase in energy of the wire will be ....... $joule$
A wire of length $L$ and cross-sectional area $A$ is made of a material of Young's modulus $Y.$ It is stretched by an amount $x$. The work done is