Ajit caculates his profit percentage on the selling price whereas Rohit calculates his on the cost price. They find that the difference of their profits is $Rs.\, 100.$ If the selling price of both of them are the same and both of them get $25\%$ profit, find their selling price? (in $Rs.$)
A man buys two chairs for a total cost of $900.$ By selling one for $\frac{4}{5}$ of its cost and the other for $\frac{5}{4}$ of its cost, he makes a profit of $90$ on the whole transaction. The cost of the lower priced chair is (in $Rs.$)
Nutan bought $30$ dozens of oranges for her juice stall in the school fair. She paid $Rs.\, 8$ per dozen of oranges. She also had to pay $Rs\, 500$ as the stall fee to the school authorities. She calculated that each glass'of juice would need $3$ oranges. How much should she charge per glass of juice so as to make $20 \%$ profit in $Rs?$
A man buys $100\, kg$ of sugar for $Rs.\, 2400 .$ He sold $1 / 4$ th of the stock at a loss of $5 \% .$ At what per cent profit should he sell the remaining stock so as to make an overall profit of $20 \%$ on the whole transaction? (in $\%$)
A man sells two article for $Rs.\,5000$ each neither losing nor gaining in the deal. If he sold one of them at a gain of $25 \%,$ the other article is sold at a loss of.......$\%$
Sanjay purchased a chair marked at $Rs.\, 800$ at $2$ successive discount of $10 \%$ and $15 \%$ respectively. He spent $Rs.\, 28$ on transportation and sold the chair for $Rs.$ $800 .$ How much is his gain percentage?