Among the two statements
$(S1):$ $( p \Rightarrow q ) \wedge( q \wedge(\sim q ))$ is a contradiction and
$( S 2):( p \wedge q ) \vee((\sim p ) \wedge q ) \vee$
$( p \wedge(\sim q )) \vee((\sim p ) \wedge(\sim q ))$ is a tautology
only $( S 2)$ is true
only $( S 1)$ is true
both are false.
both are true
The contrapositive of the statement "I go to school if it does not rain" is
The negation of $ \sim s \vee \left( { \sim r \wedge s} \right)$ is equivalent to :
The contrapositive of $(p \vee q) \Rightarrow r$ is
$\sim (p \vee q)$ is equal to
Statement $-1$ : The statement $A \to (B \to A)$ is equivalent to $A \to \left( {A \vee B} \right)$.
Statement $-2$ : The statement $ \sim \left[ {\left( {A \wedge B} \right) \to \left( { \sim A \vee B} \right)} \right]$ is a Tautology