An air bubble of diameter $6\,mm$ rises steadily through a solution of density $1750\,kg / m ^3$ at the rate of $0.35\,cm / s$. The co-efficient of viscosity of the solution (neglect density of air) is $..........\,Pas$ (given, $g =10\,ms ^{-2}$)
An air bubble of $1\, cm$ radius is rising at a steady rate of $2.00\, mm/sec$ through a liquid of density $1.5\, gm$ per $cm^3$. Neglect density of air. If $g$ is $1000\, cm/sec^2$, then the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid is
A ball of radius $r $ and density $\rho$ falls freely under gravity through a distance $h$ before entering water. Velocity of ball does not change even on entering water. If viscosity of water is $\eta$, the value of $h$ is given by
A small drop of water falls from rest through a large height $h$ in air; the final velocity is ................
A water drop of radius $1\,\mu m$ falls in a situation where the effect of buoyant force is negligible. Coefficient of viscosity of air is $1.8 \times 10^{-5}\,Nsm ^{-2}$ and its density is negligible as compared to that of water $10^{6}\,gm ^{-3}$. Terminal velocity of the water drop is________ $\times 10^{-6}\,ms ^{-1}$
(Take acceleration due to gravity $=10\,ms ^{-2}$ )
A small spherical ball of radius $r$, falling through a viscous medium of negligible density has terminal velocity ' $v$ '. Another ball of the same mass but of radius $2 r$, falling through the same viscous medium will have terminal velocity: