Changes in $GnRH$ pulse frequency in femail is controlled by circulating levels of

  • [NEET 2016]
  • A

    progesterone only

  • B

    progesterone and inhibin

  • C

    estrogen and progesterone

  • D

    estrogen and inhibin.

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$I.$ Secretion of $FSH$

$II.$ Growth of corpus luteum

$III.$ Growth of follicle and oogenesis


$V.$ Sudden increase in level of $LH$

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Match the columns.

Column 1 Column II
$(a)$ $6-14$ days $(1)$ It is known as menstrual cycle
$(b)$ $1-5$ days $(2)$ Polar body is down
$(c)$ $15-28$ days $(3)$ It is known as proliferative phase

$(4)$ Endometrium is prepared forimplantation of embryo