Choose the correct statement
The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many protons compared to neutrons
The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many neutrons compared to protons
Nuclei with atomic number less than $82$ shows a tendency to disintegrate
The nuclear force becomes weak if the nucleus contains a large number of nucleons
A nucleus has mass number $A_1$ and volume $V_1$.
Another nucleus has mass number $A_2$ and volume $V_2$. If relation between mass number is $A_2=4 A_1$, then $\frac{V_2}{V_1}=$_____.
If the nuclear radius of ${}_{13}^{27}Al$ is $3.6$ fermi the approximate nuclear radius of ${}_{}^{64}Cu$ in fermi is ..........$fm$
In beta decay
$1 a.m.u.$ is equivalent to
Assertion $(A):$ Forces acting between proton-protn $\left(f_{p p}\right)$, proton-neutron $\left(f_{p p}\right)$ and neutron-neutron $\left(f_{n n}\right)$ are such that $f_{p p} < f_{p n}=f_{n n}$
Reason $(R):$ Electrostatic force of repulsion between two protons reduces net nuclear forces between them.