Consider system of equations in $x$ , $y$ and $z$

$12x + by + cz = 0$ ;   $ax + 24y + cz = 0$  ;   $ax + by + 36z = 0$ .

(where $a$ , $b$ , $c$ are real numbers, $a \ne 12$ , $b \ne 24$ , $c \ne 36$ ).

If system of equation has solution and $z \ne 0$, then value of  $\frac{1}{{a - 12}} + \frac{2}{{b - 24}} + \frac{3}{{c - 36}}$ is

  • A

    $ - \frac{1}{3}$

  • B

    $ - \frac{1}{{12}}$

  • C

    $ - \frac{1}{{6}}$

  • D

    $ - \frac{1}{{4}}$

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