Electric potential at any point is $V = -5x + 3y + \sqrt {15} z$, then the magnitude of the electric field is
$3\sqrt 2 $
$4\sqrt 2 $
$5\sqrt 2 $
In a region, the potential is represented by $V(x, y, z) = 6x - 8xy - 8y + 6yz$, where $V$ is in volts and $x, y, z$ are in metres. The electric force experienced by a charge of $2$ coulomb situated at point $( 1, 1, 1)$ is
The electric potential $V(x)$ in a region around the origin is given by $V(x) = 4x^2\,volts$ . The electric charge enclosed in a cube of $1\,m$ side with its centre at the origin is (in coulomb)
The electric potential at a point in free space due to charge $Q$ coulomb is $V=Q$$ \times {10^{11}}\,V$ . The electric field at that point is
The variation of potential with distance $x$ from a fixed point is as shown in figure. The electric field at $x =13\,m$ is......$volt/meter$
A charge $3$ coulomb experiences a force $3000$ $N$ when placed in a uniform electric field. The potential difference between two points separated by a distance of $1$ $cm$ along the field lines is.....$V$