Even if a physical quantity depends upon three quantities, out of which two are dimensionally same, then the formula cannot be derived by the method of dimensions. This statement
May be true
May be false
Must be true
Must be false
If $L , C$ and $R$ are the self inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, which of the following does not have the dimension of time?
Match the following two coloumns
Column $-I$ | Column $-II$ |
$(A)$ Electrical resistance | $(p)$ $M{L^3}{T^{ - 3}}{A^{ - 2}}$ |
$(B)$ Electrical potential | $(q)$ $M{L^2}{T^{ - 3}}{A^{ - 2}}$ |
$(C)$ Specific resistance | $(r)$ $M{L^2}{T^{ - 3}}{A^{ - 1}}$ |
$(D)$ Specific conductance | $(s)$ None of these |
If the dimensions of length are expressed as ${G^x}{c^y}{h^z}$; where $G,\,c$ and $h$ are the universal gravitational constant, speed of light and Planck's constant respectively, then
Match List $I$ with List $II$
List $I$ | List $II$ |
$(A)$ Young's Modulus $(Y)$ | $(I)$ $\left[ M L ^{-1} T ^{-1}\right]$ |
$(B)$ Co-efficient of Viscosity $(\eta)$ | $(II)$ $\left[ M L ^2 T ^{-1}\right]$ |
$(C)$ Planck's Constant $(h)$ | $(III)$ $\left[ M L ^{-1} T ^{-2}\right]$ |
$(D)$ Work Function $(\phi)$ | $(IV)$ $\left[ M L ^2 T ^{-2}\right]$ |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Using dimensional analysis, the resistivity in terms of fundamental constants $h, m_{e}, c, e, \varepsilon_{0}$ can be expressed as