આપેલ દ્રવ્ય માટે પ્રતિબળ-વિકૃતિ વક્ર આકૃતિ માં દર્શાવેલ છે, તો આ દ્રવ્ય માટે $(a)$ યંગ મૉડ્યુલસ અને $(b)$ અંદાજિત આધિન પ્રબળતા કેટલી હશે ?


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It is clear from the given graph that for stress $150 \times 10^{6} N / m ^{2},$ strain is 0.002

(a) Young's modulus, $Y=\frac{\text { stress }}{\text { strain }}$

$=\frac{150 \times 10^{6}}{0.002}=7.5 \times 10^{10} N / m ^{2}$

Hence, Young's modulus for the given material is $7.5 \times 10^{10} N / m ^{2}$

(b) The yield strength of a material is the maximum stress that the material can sustain without crossing the elastic limit.

It is clear from the given graph that the approximate yield strength of this material is $300$

$\times 10^{6} \,Nm /^{2}$ or $3 \times 10^{8}\, N / m ^{2}$

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