Five balls of different colours are to be placed in three boxes of different sizes. Each box can hold all five balls. In how many ways can we place the balls so that no box remains empty
In how many ways a team of $10$ players out of $22$ players can be made if $6$ particular players are always to be included and $4$ particular players are always excluded
Let $S=\{1,2,3, \ldots ., 9\}$. For $k=1,2, \ldots \ldots, 5$, let $N_K$ be the number of subsets of $S$, each containing five elements out of which exactly $k$ are odd. Then $N_1+N_2+N_3+N_4+N_5=$
A committee of $7$ has to be formed from $9$ boys and $4$ girls. In how many ways can this be done when the committee consists of:
exactly $3$ girls $?$
In how many ways can the letters of the word $\mathrm{ASSASSINATION} $ be arranged so that all the $\mathrm{S}$ 's are together?
If ${a_n} = \sum\limits_{r = 0}^n {} \frac{1}{{^n{C_r}}}$ then $\sum\limits_{r = 0}^n {} \frac{r}{{^n{C_r}}}$ equals