Following characters are indicate
$(i)$ presence of sickle - shaped $RBC$
$(ii)$ Blood not clot, non stop bleeding
$(iii)$ The heterozygous female transmit the disease to sons.
$(iv)$ Both heterozygous parents transmit the disease to offspring
$i\ \&\ ii$ - sickle - cell anaemia, $iiii\ \&\ iv$ - haemophilia
$i$ & $iii$ - haemophilia, $iii$ & $iv$ - sickle - cell anaemia
$ii$ & $iv$ - haemophilia, $i$ & $iii$ - sickle cell anaemia
$i$ & $iv$ - sickle cell anaemia $ii$ & $iii$ - haemophilia
Recessive characters are expressed
Haemophillic man marries a normal woman. Their offsprings will be
If a colour blind lady marries a normal man, their children will be
$A$ : The posssibility of a female becoming a haemophilic is extremely rare.
$R$ : Mother of such a female has to be carrier and father should be haemophilic
What is pedigree analysis? Suggest how such an analysis, can be useful.