From elementary molecular orbital theory we can give the electronic configuration of the singly positive nitrogen molecular ion $N_2^ + $ as
$\sigma {(1s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(1s)^2}\sigma {(2s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(2s)^2}\pi {(2p)^4}\sigma {(2p)^1}$
$\sigma {(1s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(1s)^2}\sigma {(2s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(2s)^2}\sigma {(2p)^1}\pi {(2p)^3}$
$\sigma {(1s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(1s)^2}\sigma {(2s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(2p)^2}\pi {(2p)^4}$
$\sigma {(1s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(1s)^2}\sigma {(2s)^2}{\sigma ^ * }{(2s)^2}\sigma {(2p)^2}\pi {(2p)^2}$
Which of the following statement is correct about $I^+_3$ and $I^-_3$ molecular ions ?
If the magnetic moment of a dioxygen species is $1.73 \;B.M$, it may be
Oxygen molecule is paramagnetic because
The difference in energy between the molecular orbital formed and the combining atomic orbitals is called
Which of the following is not paramagnetic