Fundamental frequency of sonometer wire is $n$. If the length, tension and diameter of wire are tripled, the new fundamental frequency is
$\frac{n}{{\sqrt 3 }}$
$n\sqrt 3 $
$\frac{n}{{3\sqrt 3 }}$
A transverse harmonic wave on a string is described by $y = 3 \sin \,(36t + 0.018x + \frac{\pi}{4})$ where $x$ and $y$ are in $cm$ and $t$ in $s$. The least distance between two sucessive crests in the wave is .... $m$
In Melde's experiment, the string vibrates in $4$ loops when a $50 \,gram$ weight is placed in the pan of weight $15\, gram.$ To make the string to vibrates in $6$ loops the weight that has to be removed from the pan is
A steel rod $100 \,cm$ long is clamped at its middle. The fundamental frequency of longitudinal vibrations of the rod are given to be $2.53\,kHz$. What is the speed of sound in steel ..... $km/sec$
A string of length $1\,\,m$ and linear mass density $0.01\,\,kgm^{-1}$ is stretched to a tension of $100\,\,N.$ When both ends of the string are fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are $f_1, f_2$ and $f_3$. When only one end of the string is fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are $n_1, n_2$ and $n_3$. Then
The transverse displacement in a streched string is given by
$y = 0.06 \sin \, \left( {\frac{{2\pi }}{3}x} \right)\cos \,(120\pi t)$
where $x$ and $y$ are in $m$ and $t$ is in $s$. The length of the string is $1.5\, m$ and its mass is $3.0 \times 10^{-2} \,kg$, then tension in string is ..... $N$