Give differences : $DNA$ and $RNA$

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$(1)$ It is double stranded with exception of some viruses. $(1)$It is generally single stranded.
$(2)$ It is the genetic material in all living organisms. $(2)$ It is the genetic material in some viruses only.
$(3)$ The sugar is deoxyribose. $(3)$ The sugar is ribose.
$(4)$ Nitrogenous base present are adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine. $(4)$ Nitrogenous bases present are adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil..
$(5)$ It is less reactive, chemically and structurally more stable. $(5)$ It is more reactive chemically and structurally less stable.
$(6)$ It usually occurs inside the nucleus. and in some cell organelles. $(6)$ Very little $RNA$ occurs inside the nucleus. Most of it is found in the cytoplasm.


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  • [AIPMT 2011]