Give differences : Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons

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           dicotyledons            monocotyledons
$(1)$ two cotyledons are present in its seed. $(1)$ only one cotyledon id present in its seed.
$(2)$ root system is of taproot type. $(2)$ root system is of fibrous type.
$(3)$ stem is branched and node and inter nodes are not clear. $(3)$ stem is mostly unbranched and has clear nodes and internodes.
$(4)$ leaves possess reticularte venation. $(4)$ leaves possess parallel venation.
$(5)$ flowers are tetemorous or pentamerous. $(5)$ flowers are not defined.
$(6)$ petals and sepals are easily identified. $(6)$ sepals and  petals are not separately identified.
$(7)$ mostly pollination is carried out by various factors e.g. sunflower and hibisus etc. $(7)$ mostly pollination is carried out by wind. e.g. maize, coconut etc.


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