भौतिक एवं रासायनिक गुणधर्मों के आधार पर एथनॉल एवं एथेनॉइक अम्ल में आप कैसे अंतर करेंगे?

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Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature with a pleasant odour while ethanoic acid has vinegar-like smell. The melting point of ethanoic acid is $17\,^oC$. This is below room temperature and hence, it freezes during winters.

Ethanoic acid reacts with metal carbonates and metal hydrogencarbonates to form salt, water, and carbon dioxide gas while ethanol does not react with them.

Metal Carbonates $/$ Metal Hydrogencarbonates $+$ Carboxylic acid

           $\downarrow $

Salt $+$ Water $+$ Carbon dioxide

For example,

$2 CH _{3} COOH + Na _{2} CO _{3} \longrightarrow 2 CH _{3} COONa + H _{2} O + CO _{2}$

Metal Carbonates $/$ Metal Hydrogencarbonates $+$ Alcohols

                $\downarrow $

No reaction

For example,

$CH _{3} CH _{2} OH + Na _{2} CO _{3} \longrightarrow$ No reaction

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