How many numbers of $6$ digits can be formed from the digits of the number $112233$
In how many ways can $5$ girls and $3$ boys be seated in a row so that no two boys are together?
What is the number of ways of choosing $4$ cards from a pack of $52$ playing cards? In how many of these
four cards are of the same suit,
If ${ }^{n} P_{r}={ }^{n} P_{r+1}$ and ${ }^{n} C_{r}={ }^{n} C_{r-1}$, then the value of $r$ is equal to:
A car will hold $2$ in the front seat and $1$ in the rear seat. If among $6$ persons $2$ can drive, then the number of ways in which the car can be filled is
In an election there are $8$ candidates, out of which $5$ are to be choosen. If a voter may vote for any number of candidates but not greater than the number to be choosen, then in how many ways can a voter vote