How many times is the density of the nucleus more than the density of water ?
Atomic weight of boron is $10.81$ and it has two isotopes $_5{B^{10}}$ and $_5{B^{11}}$. Then ratio of $ _5{B^{10}}{\,:\,_5}{B^{11}} $ in nature would be
Which of the following isotopes is normally fissionable ?
The mass number of a nucleus is
Choose the correct statement
The radius of $R$ of a nucleus of mass number $A$ can be estimated by the formula $R =\left(1.3 \times 10^{-15}\right) A ^{1 / 3}\, m .$ It follows that the mass density of a nucleus is of the order of
$\left( M _{\text {prot. }} \cong M _{\text {neut. }}=1.67 \times 10^{-27} kg \right)$