How the nitrogen oxide is made ? and How the excessive amount of nitrogen oxide is harmful ?
At high altitudes when lightnings strikes, dinitrogen and dioxygen combines and form nitrogen oxide.
How the excessive amount of nitrogen oxide is harmful?
Higher concentration of $\mathrm{NO}_{2}$ damage the leaves of plants and retard the rate of photosynthesis.
Nitrogen oxide is a lung irritant that can lead to an acute respiratory disease in children. It is toxic to living tissues $\mathrm{NO}_{2}$ is harmful to various textile fibres and metals.
What efforts are being made by the government to save the Taj Mahal ?
Explain tropospheric pollution in $100$ words.
Mention the components of photochemical song and its effects.
Which of these reactions is not a part of breakdown of ozone in stratosphere?
Match List $I$ with List $II$
List $I$ | List $II$ |
$A$ Nitrogen oxides in air | $I$ Eutrophication |
$B$ Methane in air | $II$ $pH$ of rain water becomes $5.6$. |
$C$ Carbon dioxide | $III$ Global warming |
$D$ Phosphate fertilisers in water | $IV$ Acid rain |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :