If $A$ and $B$ be any two sets, then $(A \cap B)'$ is equal to
$A' \cap {\rm B}'$
$A' \cup B'$
$A \cap B$
$A \cup B$
If $A$ is any set, then
Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write down the complements of the following sets:
$\{ x:x$ is a natural number divisible by $ 3 $ and $5\} $
If $U=\{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h\},$ find the complements of the following sets:
$B=\{d, e, f, g\}$
The shaded region in venn-diagram can be represented by which of the following ?
Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write down the complements of the following sets:
$\{ x:x$ is a positive multiple of $3\} $