If $\overrightarrow A = 4\hat i - 3\hat j$ and $\overrightarrow B = 6\hat i + 8\hat j$ then magnitude and direction of $\overrightarrow A \, + \overrightarrow B $ will be
$5,\,{\tan ^{ - 1}}(3/4)$
$5\sqrt 5 ,{\tan ^{ - 1}}(1/2)$
$10,\,{\tan ^{ - 1}}(5)$
$25,\,{\tan ^{ - 1}}(3/4)$
The coordinates of a moving particle at any time $t$ are given by $x = a\, t^2$ and $y = b\, t^2$. The speed of the particle is
If $|\,\vec A + \vec B\,|\, = \,|\,\vec A\,| + |\,\vec B\,|$, then angle between $\vec A$ and $\vec B$ will be ....... $^o$
When vector $\overrightarrow{ A }=2 \hat{ i }+3 \hat{ j }+2 \hat{ k }$ is subtracted from vector $\vec{B}$, it gives a vector equal to $2 \hat{j}$. Then the magnitude of vector $\vec{B}$ will be:
Give the names of two methods for vector addition. Write the law of parallogram for vector addition.
Which of the following quantity/quantities are dependent on the choice of orientation of the co-ordinate axes?
$(a)$ $\vec{a}+\vec{b}$
$(b)$ $3 a_x+2 b_y$
$(c)$ $(\vec{a}+\vec{b}-\vec{c})$