If a force of constant magnitude acts in direction perpendicular to the motion of a particle, then its
Speed is uniform
Momentum is uniform
Velocity is uniform
All of these
A conical pendulum of length $1\,m$ makes an angle $\theta \, = 45^o$ w.r.t. $Z-$ axis and moves in a circle in the $XY$ plane.The radius of the circle is $0.4\, m$ and its centre is vertically below $O$. The speed of the pendulum, in its circular path, will be ..... $m/s$ (Take $g\, = 10\, ms^{-2}$)
A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of radius $10\, m$ with a constant speed of $10 \,m/sec$. A plumb bob is suspended from the roof of the car by a light rigid rod of length $1.00\, m$. The angle made by the rod with track is ........ $^o$
The ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and hour hand of a watch is
A body performing unifom circular motion completed $140$ revolution in a second. Its angular speed is .......... $rad / s$
A stone of mass $0.3\,kg$ attached to a $1.5\,m$ long string is whirled around in a horizontal circle at a speed of $6\,m s ^{-1}$. The tension in the string is $............\,N$