If a particle of charge ${10^{ - 12}}\,coulomb$ moving along the $\hat x - $ direction with a velocity ${10^5}\,m/s$ experiences a force of ${10^{ - 10}}\,newton$ in $\hat y - $ direction due to magnetic field, then the minimum magnetic field is
$6.25 \times {10^3}\,tesla$ in $\hat z - $ direction
${10^{ - 15}}\,tesla$ in $\hat z - $ direction
$6.25 \times {10^{ - 3}}\,tesla$ in $\hat z - $ direction
${10^{ - 3}}\,tesla$ in $\hat z - $ direction
A charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to it. The magnetic field
A proton moving with a velocity, $2.5 \times {10^7}\,m/s$, enters a magnetic field of intensity $2.5\,T$ making an angle ${30^o}$ with the magnetic field. The force on the proton is
What is the behaviour of perpendicular electric field ${\rm{\vec E}}$ and magnetic field ${\rm{\vec B}}$ ?
A charge having $q/m$ equal to $10^8\, C/kg$ and with velocity $3 \times 10^5\, m/s$ enters into a uniform magnetic field $0.3\, tesla$ at an angle $30^o$ with direction of field. The radius of curvature will be ......$cm$
Proton with kinetic energy of $1\;MeV$ moves from south to north. It gets an acceleration of $10^{12}\; \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}^{2}$ by an applied magnetic field (west to east). The value of magnetic field :.......$mT$ (Rest mass of proton is $1.6 \times 10^{-27} \;\mathrm{kg}$ )