એક રિલે દોડમાં પાંચ ટુકડીઓ $A, B, C, D$ અને $E$ એ ભાગ લીધો છે. $A, B$ અને $C$ ક્રમમાં પહેલા, બીજા અને ત્રીજા સ્થાને આવે તેની સંભાવના શું છે? 

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If we consider the sample space consisting of all finishing orders in the first three places, we will have $^{5} P _{3},$ i.e., $, \frac{5 \,!}{(5-3) \,!}$ $=5 \times 4 \times 3=60$ sample points, each with a probability of $\frac{1}{60}$.

$A,\, B$ and $C$ finish first, second and third, respectively. There is only one finishing order for this, i.e., $ABC$.

Thus $P( A ,\, B$ and $C$ finish first, second and third respectively $)$ $=\frac{1}{60}$

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