In the following the correct bond order sequence is :
In which of the following processes, the bond order has increased and paramagnetic character has changed to diamagnetic?
For $F_2$ and $OF$ molecules consider the following statements
$(a)$ Bond order for both is one
$(b)$ $OF$ is paramagnetic but $F_2$ is diamagnetic
$(c)$ $F_2$ is more likely to dissociate into atoms than $OF$
$(d)$ Both have greater number of electrons in $BMO$ than that in $ABMO$
Which of the following statements are true $(T)$ or false $(F)$ respectively
During change of $O_2$ to $O_2^-$ ion, the electron adds on which one of the following orbitals?
Which of the following has unpaired electron $(s)$ ?
The correct order of energies of molecular orbitals of $N _2$ molecule, is