In the Hoope's process for refining of aluminium, the fused materials form three different layers and they remain separated during electrolysis also. This is because

  • A

    The upper layer is kept attracted by the cathode and the lower layer is kept attracted by the anode

  • B

    There is special arrangement in the cell to keep the layers separate

  • C

    The $3$ layers have different densities

  • D

    The $3$ layers are maintained at different temperatures

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  • [IIT 2022]

Give reasons:

$(i)$ Conc. $HNO _{3}$ can be transported in aluminium container.

$(ii)$ $A$ mixture of dilute $NaOH$ and aluminium pieces is used to open drain.

$(iii)$ Graphite is used as lubricant.

$(iv)$ Diamond is used as an abrasive.

$(v)$ Aluminium alloys are used to make aircraft body.

$(vi)$ Aluminium utensils should not be kept in water overnight.

$(vii)$ Aluminium wire is used to make transmission cables.

Alumina is