It takes $10$ minutes to cool a liquid from $61^oC$ to $59^oC$. If room temperature is $30^oC$ then time taken in cooling from $51^oC$ to $49^oC$ is ....... $\min$
Write Newton's law of cooling and obtain its equations.
The temperature of a body falls from $62^oC\, to\, 50^oC$ in $10$ minutes. If the temperature of the surroundings is $26^oC$, the temperature in next $10$ minutes will become ...... $^oC$
In Newton's experiment of cooling, the water equivalent of two similar calorimeters is $10 $ gm each. They are filled with $350 gm$ of water and $300 gm$ of a liquid (equal volumes) separately. The time taken by water and liquid to cool from ${70^o}C$ to ${60^o}C$ is $3$ min and $95$ sec respectively. The specific heat of the liquid will be ...... $Cal/gm\,^oC$
A block of metal is heated to a temperature much higher than the room temperature and allowed to cool in a room free from air currents. Which of the following curves correctly represents the rate of cooling
A body cools in $7$ minutes from $60^{\circ}\,C$ to $40^{\circ}\,C$. The temperature of the surrounding is $10^{\circ}\,C$. The temperature of the body after the next $7$ minutes will be