Let $\quad E_1=\left\{x \in R : x \neq 1\right.$ and $\left.\frac{x}{x-1}>0\right\}$ and $\quad E_2=\left\{x \in E_1: \sin ^{-1}\left(\log _e\left(\frac{x}{x-1}\right)\right)\right.$ is a real number $\}$.

(Here, the inverse trigonometric function $\sin ^{-1} x$ assumes values in $\left[-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$ )

Let $f : E _1 \rightarrow R$ be the function defined by $f(x)=\log _c\left(\frac{x}{x-1}\right)$ and $g: E_2 \rightarrow R$ be the function defined by $g(x)=\sin ^{-1}\left(\log _e\left(\frac{x}{x-1}\right)\right)$

$P$ The range of $f$ is $1$ $\left(-\infty, \frac{1}{1- e }\right] \cup\left[\frac{ e }{ e -1}, \infty\right)$
$Q$ The range of $g$ contains $2$ $(0,1)$
$R$ The domain of $f$ contains $3$ $\left[-\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}\right]$
$S$ The domain of $g$ is $4$ $(-\infty, 0) \cup(0, \infty)$
  $5$ $\left(-\infty, \frac{ e }{ e -1}\right]$
  $6$ $(-\infty, 0) \cup\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{ e }{ e -1}\right]$

The correct option is:

  • [IIT 2018]
  • A

     $P \rightarrow 4 ; Q \rightarrow 2 ; R \rightarrow 1 ; S \rightarrow 1$

  • B

    $P \rightarrow 3 ; Q \rightarrow 3 ; R \rightarrow 6 ; S \rightarrow 5$

  • C

    $P \rightarrow 4 ; Q \rightarrow 2 ; R \rightarrow 1 ; S \rightarrow 6$

  • D

     $P \rightarrow 4 ; Q \rightarrow 3 ; R \rightarrow 6 ; S \rightarrow 5$

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