Let ${f_k}\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{k}\left( {{{\sin }^k}x + {{\cos }^k}x} \right)\;,x \in R$ and $k \ge 1$, then ${f_4}\left( x \right) - {f_6}\left( x \right)$ is equal to
Which of the following is function
Show that function $f : R \rightarrow\{ x \in R :-1< x <1\}$ defined by $f ( x )=\frac{x}{1+|x|^{\prime}} x \in R$ is one-one and onto function.
If function $f(x) = \frac{1}{2} - \tan \left( {\frac{{\pi x}}{2}} \right)$; $( - 1 < x < 1)$ and $g(x) = \sqrt {3 + 4x - 4{x^2}} $, then the domain of $gof$ is
If $x = {\log _2}\left( {\sqrt {56 + \sqrt {56 + \sqrt {56 + .... + \infty } } } } \right)$ then
Let $R$ be the set of all real numbers and $f(x)=\sin ^{10} x\left(\cos ^8 x+\cos ^4 x+\cos ^2 x+1\right)$ $x \in R$. Let $S=\{\lambda \in R$ there exists a point $c \in(0,2 \pi)$ with $\left.f^{\prime}(c)=\lambda f(c)\right\}$ Then,