Let $L$ be the set of all straight lines in the Euclidean plane. Two lines ${l_1}$ and ${l_2}$ are said to be related by the relation $R$ iff ${l_1}$ is parallel to ${l_2}$. Then the relation $R$ is
All of above
Determine whether each of the following relations are reflexive, symmetric and transitive:
Relation $R$ in the set $A$ of human beings in a town at a particular time given by
$R =\{(x, y): x$ is wife of $y\}$
Consider the relations $R_1$ and $R_2$ defined as $a R_1 b$ $\Leftrightarrow a^2+b^2=1$ for all $a, b, \in R$ and $(a, b) R_2(c, d)$ $\Leftrightarrow a+d=b+c$ for all $(a, b),(c, d) \in N \times N$. Then
Check whether the relation $R$ in $R$ defined by $S =\left\{(a, b): a \leq b^{3}\right\}$ is reflexive, symmetric or transitive.
The relation $R= \{(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)\}$ on set $A = \{1, 2, 3\}$ is
Let $n(A) = n$. Then the number of all relations on $A$ is