Let $p$ and $q $ stand for the statement $"2 × 4 = 8" $ and $"4$ divides $7"$ respectively. Then the truth value of following biconditional statements
$(i)$ $p \leftrightarrow q$
$(ii)$ $~ p \leftrightarrow q$
$(iii)$ $~ q \leftrightarrow p$
$(iv)$ $~ p \leftrightarrow ~ q$
$T T T T$
$F T T T$
$F T T T$
$F T T F$
Dual of $(x \vee y) \wedge (x \vee 1) = x \vee (x \wedge y) \vee y$ is
If the truth value of the statement $p \to \left( { \sim q \vee r} \right)$ is false $(F)$, then the truth values of the statement $p, q, r$ are respectively
The Boolean expression $\left(\sim\left(p^{\wedge} q\right)\right) \vee q$ is equivalent to
Contrapositive of the statement 'If two numbers are not equal, then their squares are not equal', is
If $p \Rightarrow (q \vee r)$ is false, then the truth values of $p, q, r$ are respectively