Make correct statements by filling in the symbols $\subset$ or $ \not\subset $ in the blank spaces:
$\{ x:x$ is a student of class $\mathrm{XI}$ of your school $\} \ldots \{ x:x$ student of your school $\} $
$\{ x:x$ is a student of class $\mathrm{XI}$ of your school ${\rm{ }}\} \subset \{ x:x$ is student of your school $\} $
Write down all the subsets of the following sets
$\{ a,b\} $
Write the following sets in the set-builder form :
$\{ 1,4,9 \ldots 100\} $
Which of the following are sets ? Justify your answer.
The collection of all even integers.
Two finite sets have $m$ and $n$ elements. The total number of subsets of the first set is $56$ more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The values of $m$ and $n$ are
Which of the following sets are finite or infinite.
The set of positive integers greater than $100$