Motion of a moving electron is not affected by
An electric field applied in the direction of motion
Magnetic field applied in the direction of motion
Electric field applied perpendicular to the direction of motion
Magnetic field applied perpendicular to the direction of motion
The radius of curvature of the path of a charged particle moving in a static uniform magnetic field is
A proton and an $\alpha$ -particle, having kinetic energies $K _{ p }$ and $K _{\alpha},$ respectively, enter into $a$ magnetic field at right angles.
The ratio of the radii of trajectory of proton to that of $\alpha$ -particle is $2: 1 .$ The ratio of $K _{ p }: K _{\alpha}$ is :
A proton and an $\alpha - $particle enter a uniform magnetic field perpendicularly with the same speed. If proton takes $25$ $\mu \, sec$ to make $5$ revolutions, then the periodic time for the $\alpha - $ particle would be........$\mu \, sec$
A charged particle is released from rest in a region of steady uniform electric and magnetic fields which are parallel to each other the particle will move in a
Mark the correct statement