On which factors terminal velocity depends ? Explain.
Why is dust particles settled down on floor in a closed room ? Explain.
A small steel ball is dropped into a long cylinder containing glycerine. Which one of the following is the correct representation of the velocity time graph for the transit of the ball?
Two small spherical metal balls, having equal masses, are made from materials of densities $\rho_{1}$ and $\rho_{2}\left(\rho_{1}=8 \rho_{2}\right)$ and have radii of $1\; \mathrm{mm}$ and $2\; \mathrm{mm}$, respectively. They are made to fall vertically (from rest) in a viscous medum whose coefficient of viscosity equals $\eta$ and whose denstry is $0.1 \mathrm{\rho}_{2} .$ The ratio of their terminal velocitites would be
An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by $a = g -bv$ where $g =$ gravitational acceleration and $b$ is constant. After a long time of release, it is observed to fall with constant speed. The value of constant speed is
In an experiment, a small steel ball falls through a Iiquid at a constant speed of $10\, cm/s$. If the steel ball is pulled upward with a force equal to twice its effective weight, how fast will it move upward ? ......... $cm/s$