Sixty four spherical rain drops of equal size are falling vertically through air with terminal velocity $1.5\, m/s$. All of the drops coalesce to form a big spherical drop, then terminal velocity of big drop is ........... $m/s$
Which of the following is the incorrect graph for a sphere falling in a viscous liquid? (Given at $t = 0$, velocity $v = 0$ and displacement $x = 0$.)
The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius $5\,mm$ falling through a tank of oil at room temperature is $10\,cm\,s ^{-1}$. If the viscosity of oil at room temperature is $0.9\,kg\,m ^{-1} s ^{-1}$, the viscous drag force is :
A spherical solid ball of volume $V$ is made of a material of density $\rho_1$ . It is falling through a liquid of density $\rho_2 (\rho_2 < \rho_1 )$. Assume that the liquid applies a viscous force on the ball that is proportional to the square of its speed $v$, i.e., $F_{viscous}= -kv^2 (k >0 )$,The terminal speed of the ball is
Which falls faster, big rain drops or small rain drops ?
As the temperature of water increases, its viscosity