Solution of the equation ${4.9^{x - 1}} = 3\sqrt {({2^{2x + 1}})} $ has the solution
${a^{m{{\log }_a}n}} = $
Number of Solution of the equation ${(x)^{x\sqrt x }} = {(x\sqrt x )^x}$ are
The number of integers $q , 1 \leq q \leq 2021$, such that $\sqrt{ q }$ is rational, and $\frac{1}{ q }$ has a terminating decimal expansion, is
If ${x^{x\root 3 \of x }} = {(x\,.\,\root 3 \of x )^x},$ then $x =$
If ${\left( {{2 \over 3}} \right)^{x + 2}} = {\left( {{3 \over 2}} \right)^{2 - 2x}},$then $x =$