The dimensional formula $[ML^0T^{-3}]$ is more closely associated with

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D

    velocity gradient

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Match List $I$ with List $II$

List $I$ List $II$
$(A)$ Young's Modulus $(Y)$ $(I)$ $\left[ M L ^{-1} T ^{-1}\right]$
$(B)$ Co-efficient of Viscosity $(\eta)$ $(II)$ $\left[ M L ^2 T ^{-1}\right]$
$(C)$ Planck's Constant $(h)$ $(III)$ $\left[ M L ^{-1} T ^{-2}\right]$
$(D)$ Work Function $(\phi)$ $(IV)$ $\left[ M L ^2 T ^{-2}\right]$

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