The half-life of a radioactive substance is $T$. The time taken, for disintegrating $\frac{7}{8}$ th part of its original mass will be
A radioactive isotope has a half-life of $T$ years. How long will it take the activity to reduce to $(a)$ $3.125\% $ $(b)$ $1\% $ of its original value?
If half-life of a radioactive atom is $2.3\, days$, then its decay constant would be
What percentage of original radioactive atoms is left after five half lives..........$\%$
Starting with a sample of pure ${}^{66}Cu$, $7/8$ of it decays into $Zn$ in $15\ minutes$ . The it decays into $Zn$ in $15\ minutes$ . The corresponding half-life is ................ $minutes$
A radioactive decay chain starts from $_{93}N{p^{237}}$ and produces $_{90}T{h^{229}}$ by successive emissions. The emitted particles can be