The magnet can be completely demagnetized by
Breaking the magnet into small pieces
Heating it slightly
Droping it into ice cold water
A reverse field of appropriate strength
Two identical bar magnets with a length $10 \,cm $ and weight $50 \,gm$-weight are arranged freely with their like poles facing in a inverted vertical glass tube. The upper magnet hangs in the air above the lower one so that the distance between the nearest pole of the magnet is $3\,mm.$ Pole strength of the poles of each magnet will be.......$ amp × m$
Magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet do not intersect because
Give the characteristics of magnetic field lines.
Ratio of magnetic intensities for an axial point and a point on broad side-on position at equal distance d from the centre of magnet will be or The magnetic field at a distance d from a short bar magnet in longitudinal and transverse positions are in the ratio
What does the analog (similarity) of bar magnet’s and solenoid’s magnetic field lines suggest ?