The negative of $q\; \vee \sim (p \wedge r)$ is
$\sim q\; \wedge \sim (p \wedge r)$
$\sim q \wedge (p \wedge r)$
$\sim q \vee (p \wedge r)$
None of these
The negation of the Boolean expression $((\sim q) \wedge p) \Rightarrow((\sim p) \vee q)$ is logically equivalent to
The negation of the statement $(( A \wedge( B \vee C )) \Rightarrow( A \vee B )) \Rightarrow A$ is
If $p$ and $q$ are simple propositions, then $p \Rightarrow q$ is false when
The contrapositive of the statement "I go to school if it does not rain" is
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“All students are hard working.”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human being, $S$ = Set of all students, $H$ = Set of all hard workers.