The number of elements in the set $\left\{n \in Z :\left|n^2-10 n+19\right| < 6\right\}$ is $...........$
$S=\{(x, y, z): x, y, z \in Z, x+2 y+3 z=42$ $\mathrm{x}, \mathrm{y}, \mathrm{z} \geq 0\}$ ...........
Let $S = \{1, 2, 3, ….., 100\}$. The number of non-empty subsets $A$ of $S$ such that the product of elements in $A$ is even is
Let $\mathrm{A}=\{\mathrm{n} \in[100,700] \cap \mathrm{N}: \mathrm{n}$ is neither a multiple of $3$ nor a multiple of 4$\}$. Then the number of elements in $\mathrm{A}$ is
If $A = \{x, y\}$ then the power set of $A$ is
Let $S = \{ x \in R:x \ge 0$ and $2\left| {\sqrt x - 3} \right| + \sqrt x \left( {\sqrt x - 6} \right) + 6 = 0\} $ then $S:$ . . .