The radius of $R$ of a nucleus of mass number $A$ can be estimated by the formula $R =\left(1.3 \times 10^{-15}\right) A ^{1 / 3}\, m .$ It follows that the mass density of a nucleus is of the order of
$\left( M _{\text {prot. }} \cong M _{\text {neut. }}=1.67 \times 10^{-27} kg \right)$
$10^{24} \;kg m ^{-3}$
$10^{3} \;kg m ^{-3}$
$10^{17} \;kg m ^{-3}$
$10^{10} \;kg m ^{-3}$
$(a)$ Two stable isotopes of lithium $_{3}^{6} L$ and $_{3}^{7} L$ have respective abundances of $7.5 \%$ and $92.5 \% .$ These isotopes have masses $6.01512\; u$ and $7.01600\; u ,$ respectively. Find the atomic mass of lithium.
$(b)$ Boron has two stable isotopes, $_{5}^{10} B$ and $^{11}_{5} B$. Their respective masses are $10.01294 \;u$ and $11.00931\; u$, and the atomic mass of boron is $10.811\; u$. Find the abundances of $_{5}^{10} B$ and $_{5}^{11} B$
If $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the radii of the atomic nuclei of mass number $64$ and $125$ respectively, then the ratio $(r_1/r_2)$ is
Highly energetic electrons are bombarded on a target of an element containing $30$ neutrons. The ratio of radii of nucleus to that of Helium nucleus is ${14^{1/3}}$. The atomic number of nucleus will be
Explain isotopes, isobar, isotones and isomers by giving examples.
Write the unit of mass in nuclear physics and define it and it is equivalent to how many kilograms?