The variation of potential with distance $R$ from a fixed point is as shown below. The electric field at $R = 5\,m$ is......$volt/m$
$ - 2.5$
$ - 2/5$
Two plates are $2\,cm$ apart, a potential difference of $10\;volt$ is applied between them, the electric field between the plates is.........$N/C$
Variation of electrostatic potential along $x$-direction is shown in the graph. The correct statement about electric field is
Two large circular discs separated by a distance of $0.01 m$ are connected to a battery via a switch as shown in the figure. Charged oil drops of density $900 kg m ^{-3}$ are released through a tiny hole at the center of the top disc. Once some oil drops achieve terminal velocity, the switch is closed to apply a voltage of $200 V$ across the discs. As a result, an oil drop of radius $8 \times 10^{-7} m$ stops moving vertically and floats between the discs. The number of electrons present in this oil drop is (neglect the buoyancy force, take acceleration due to gravity $=10 ms ^{-2}$ and charge on an electron ($e$) $=1.6 \times 10^{-19} C$ )
The potential $V$ is varying with $x$ and $y$ as $V\, = \,\frac{1}{2}\,\left( {{y^2} - 4x} \right)\,volt.$ The field at ($1\,m, 1\,m$ ) is
The electric potential at a point $(x,\;y)$ in the $x - y$ plane is given by $V = - kxy$. The field intensity at a distance $r$ from the origin varies as