There are two wire of same material and same length while the diameter of second wire is two times the diameter of first wire, then the ratio of extension produced in the wires by applying same load will be
$1 : 1$
$2 : 1$
$1 : 2$
$4 : 1$
Two persons pull a wire towards themselves. Each person exerts a force of $200 \mathrm{~N}$ on the wire. Young's modulus of the material of wire is $1 \times 10^{11} \mathrm{~N} \mathrm{~m}^{-2}$. Original length of the wire is $2 \mathrm{~m}$ and the area of cross section is $2 \mathrm{~cm}^2$. The wire will extend in length by . . . . . . . .$\mu \mathrm{m}$.
A rubber pipe of density $1.5 \times {10^3}\,N/{m^2}$ and Young's modulus $5 \times {10^6}\,N/{m^2}$ is suspended from the roof. The length of the pipe is $8 \,m$. What will be the change in length due to its own weight
What is the effect of change in temperature on the Young’s modulus ?
On all the six surfaces of a unit cube, equal tensile force of $F$ is applied. The increase in length of each side will be ($Y =$ Young's modulus, $\sigma $= Poission's ratio)
What should be the shape of the pillars or column in building and bridge ?