Three plates $A, B$ and $C$ each of area $0.1 \ m^2$ are separated by $0.885\ mm$ from each other as shown in the figure. $A$ $10$ $V$ battery is used to charge the system. The energy stored in the system is
$1$ $\mu J$
$10^{-1}$ $\mu J$
$10^{-2}$ $\mu J$
$10^{-3}$ $\mu J$
Obtain the expression for the energy stored per unit volume in a charged capacitor.
In the circuit shown in figure, four capacitors are connected to a battery. The maximum energy is stored in the capacitor of.....$\mu F$
A capacitor with capacitance $5\,\mu F$ is charged to $5\,\mu C.$ If the plates are pulled apart to reduce the capacitance to $2\,\mu F,$ how much work is done?
Two Identical capacttors $\mathrm{C}_{1}$ and $\mathrm{C}_{2}$ of equal capacitance are connected as shown in the circult. Terminals $a$ and $b$ of the key $k$ are connected to charge capacitor $\mathrm{C}_{1}$ using battery of $emf \;V\; volt$. Now disconnecting $a$ and $b$ the terminals $b$ and $c$ are connected. Due to this, what will be the percentage loss of energy?.....$\%$
A battery does $200 \,J$ of work in charging a capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor is ......... $J$