A capacitor of capacitance $900\,\mu F$ is charged by a $100\,V$ battery. The capacitor is disconnected from the battery and connected to another uncharged identical capacitor such that one plate of uncharged capacitor connected to positive plate and another plate of uncharged capacitor connected to negative plate of the charged capacitor. The loss of energy in this process is measured as $x \times 10^{-2}\,J$. The value of $x$ is $..............$
A condenser having a capacity $2.0$ micro farad is charged to $200\;volts$ and then the plates of the capacitor are connected to a resistance wire. The heat produced in joules will be
A fully charged capacitor has a capacitance $‘C’$. It is discharged through a small coil of resistance wire embedded in a thermally insulated block of specific heat capacity $‘s’$ and mass $‘m’$. If the temperature of the block is raised by ‘$\Delta T$’, the potential difference $‘V’$ across the capacitance is
Change $Q$ on a capacitor varies with voltage $V$ as shown in the figure, where $Q$ is taken along the $X$-axis and $V$ along the $Y$-axis. The area of triangle $OAB$ represents
Two insulated metallic spheres of $3\,\mu F$ and $5\,\mu F$ capacitances are charged to $300\, V$ and $500\, V$ respectively. The energy loss, when they are connected by a wire is
A $40$ $\mu F$ capacitor in a defibrillator is charged to $3000\,V$. The energy stored in the capacitor is sent through the patient during a pulse of duration $2\,ms$. The power delivered to the patient is......$kW$