धूम कुहरा क्या है ? सामान्य धूम कुहरा प्रकाश रासायनिक धूम कुहरे से कैसे भिन्न है ?

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Smog is a kind of air pollution. It is the blend of smoke and fog. There are two kinds of smog :

$a)$ Classical smog

$b)$ Photochemical smog

The two smogs can be differentiated as follows:

  Classical smog Photochemical smog
Occurrence It occurs in a cool, humid climate. It occurs in a dry, sunny climate.
Components Smoke, fog and ulphurdioxide. $PAN$, acrolein, ozone, formaldehyde, nitric oxide.
Nature It is reducing in nature It is oxidizing in nature.

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